Monday, October 15, 2012

Tarina Tarantino Dollskin Cheek

I must admit I have been intimidated for a very long time of TARINA TARANTINO. Just look at that name. I never bothered to pick up or look up any TT products because it's scary to read things in all caps. I thought TT was for tough girls. Notice I don't like spelling it out, it just looks mean. In fact I used to not even read the whole name because I saw the alliteration and the long second word and instantly decided it was a foreign language and I didn't want to irritate myself with words I don't know the meaning of, especially when they're yelling at you. It's silly, but I probably would have been interested in TT a long time ago if it weren't for the ALL CAPS TAELKJ TAKADLEKOOI. Intimidating, no? Then one day I chanced the irritation of actually reading it and saw, for the first time, that it actually wasn't an obnoxious word to pronounce. No, just  Tarantino. What a relief.

As I was combing through Sephora's clearance online as I so regularly do I came across some TT blush for $15. Initially I thought it was probably a small size but to get an idea of the size I compared it to NARS and saw that it actually has a teensy bit more than their blush (note: it's okay for NARS to be in all caps because it's short, like a small dog yap. TARINA TARANTINO is long, like a howler (Harry Potter, get nerdy)).

To avoid the shipping charges I just popped into my local Sephora to pick one up. I found the blushes, there were 4 or 5 colors which was fantastic because otherwise I would have taken all day and my husband (who prefers to wait outside Sephora most of the time because he hates it like I hate football) would have wanted to kill me; or worse, not let me buy one.

One of the colors, Parasol, looks very similar to NARS' O.  Yes, O.  I'm sorry, it's just I think my little sister reads this so I don't want to spell it out. If you're a makeup person, you definitely know what color I'm talking about because it's probably about as famous as Luna Lovegood to HP fans (so not the most MOST famous thing, but everyone's at least heard of it). Suffice it to say it's a beautiful coral color with gold flecks in it that looks good on almost any skin. The difference with TT's Parasol is that it doesn't have gold flecks, just a matte coral flush. It's beautiful though and if you're thinking of buying O just save half your money and buy TT Parasol (unless you have your heart set on sparkles). I would have chosen Parasol today except I already own O.  Instead I chose Feather, a milder coral/rose color. Another thing, I like the texture of TT blush more than NARS blush and that's a big deal because NARS... is a big deal. I would venture to say that TT blush is milled a little finer. Smaller particles, yes.

If it looks like I took these pictures with a phone and not a Canon Rebel, it's because I did. Because I don't own a Canon Rebel.

Designed at the Sparkle Factory in Downtown LA? So right between Narnia and Snow White's castle?
One layer

Two layers! Buildable!!

Yay! I love my new blush and I'm glad I finally tried TARINA TARANTINO!

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